How to install iFolder on Ubuntu server

ifolder_icon_bigFor a long time, I always searched for a synchronizing solution that just works. Sure, there is Unison, but its interface is a little rough. And it is not developed anymore. You can try rsync, but it is one way only (if you want two ways, you’ll have to do it yourself). Recently, things like DropBox and Ubuntu One are a great step forward. But their free version are quite limited in space. Plus, I like to have my data on my server, not just ‘somewhere in the cloud’. Fortunately, recently Novell released a new version of iFolder. Seemed like the perfect solution, so I thought I’d give it a shot.

Of course, the first requirement for this tutorial is that you have your own server. Either a dedicated or a shared one, or some computer in your garage, but you must have root access to it.


You can also refer to this page: https:

There is also a google groupe dedicated to this: http:


There is now a guide to compile with 9.10 (and possiblity 10.04) and 3.8 simias. It should be straightforward, but if you have questions, ask !



vikholt has adapted the steps to work with debian lenny. You can read his tutorial here:



  • First, you must have a up-to-date Ubuntu server. I installed iFolder on ubuntu server 9.04 and 9.10, I think it should also work with server 8.10 and desktop 9.04. However in the case of 8.10, the dependencies may be a little bit different.
  • Also, you must have apache installed and configured to work with ssl to have the windows client to work. You can quickly enable it with:
    sudo a2enmod ssl
    sudo a2ensite default-ssl
  • That’s all

Steps Simias 3.8 for 9.10 from source

Start in an empty folder, for example ~/ifolderinstall

  1. Install the dependencies
    sudo apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf mono-complete liblog4net1.2-cil uuid-dev libxml2-dev mono-apache-server mono-apache-server2 gsoap libapache2-mod-mono libncurses-dev libtool g++-4.3 gcc-4.3
  2. Install flaim
    On my 9.10 64 bit machine, libflaim and libflaim-dev were not available. If you can install them with apt-get, install them. Else, compile them as follow:
    wget http: -O - | tar -xzf -
    cd libflaim-4.9.845/
    sed -i "s/\-Werror" Makefile
    sudo make install
  3. Get the simias source from sourceforge:
    wget http: -O - | tar -xzf -
    cd simias-
  4. Define some compilations flags. Very important : you must compile it with gcc4.3, else it will crash on run ! The fault is in FlaimWrapper, but until there is a bugfix, compile it with gcc4.3 !
    export CSC_LIBFLAG="/target:library"
    export WSDL=wsdl2
    export CSC2="gmcs /d:MONO /d:MONONATIVE"
    export CSC="gmcs /d:MONO /d:MONONATIVE"
    export MONO=mono
    export CC=gcc-4.3
    export CXX=g++-4.3
  5. Fix a problem with gsoap:
    sed -i -e "s+\$(GSOAP_PATH)/wsdl2h+wsdl2h+g" -e "s+\$(GSOAP_PATH)/soapcpp2+soapcpp2+g" -e "s+\$(GSOAP_PATH)/stdsoap2.c+/usr/include/gsoap/stdsoap2.c+g" -e "s+\$(GSOAP_PATH)/stdsoap2.h+/usr/include/stdsoap2.h+g" src/core/libsimias/
  6. Compile it:
    ./ --prefix=/usr
    sudo make install
  7. Run the Simias server setup:
    sudo /usr/bin/simias-server-setup
    enter these for answers (most are default, take care of apache user and group):

    This script configures a server installation of Simias to setup a new Simias system.
    ----- SERVER'S DATA PATH -----
    Path to the server's data files
    Server's Data Path? [/var/simias/data]:
    ----- SERVER NAME -----
    The name of this server
    Server Name? [Host1]: iFolder
    ----- SSL -----
    Select SSL/NONSSL communication for this server. Options
    are SSL, NONSSL or BOTH
    SSL? [SSL]:
    ----- PUBLIC URL -----
    Public URL of this Simias Server
    Public URL? [https:]: https:
    ----- PRIVATE URL -----
    Private URL of this Simias Server
    Private URL? [https:]:
    ----- SLAVE SERVER -----
    Install into existing Simias Domain
    Slave Server? [N]:
    ----- SYSTEM NAME -----
    A name used to identify the Simias system to users.
    System Name? [iFolder]:
    ----- SYSTEM DESCRIPTION -----
    A detailed description of the Simias system for users.
    System Description? [iFolder Enterprise System]:
    ----- USE KEY RECOVERY AGENT -----
    Use Key Recovery Agents to recovery the encryption
    key if the user forgets the pass-phrase used for encryption?
    Use Key Recovery Agent? [Y]:
    Path to the Recovery agent certificate's.
    Recovery Agent Certificate Path? [/var/simias/data]:
    ----- USE LDAP -----
    Use LDAP to provision and authenticate users?
    Use LDAP? [Y]: N
    ----- SYSTEM ADMIN -----
    The Simias default administrator. If the system is
    configured to use an external identity source, the
    distinguished name (dn) should be used.
    System Admin? [admin]:
    System Admin Password? [novell]:
    ----- CONFIGURE APACHE -----
    Configure Simias to run behind Apache
    Configure Apache? [N]: Y
    ----- APACHE USER -----
    Apache User
    Apache User? [wwwrun]: www-data
    ----- APACHE GROUP -----
    Apache Group
    Apache Group? [www]: www-data
    Configuring /var/simias/data/simias/Simias.config...SetupSimias - Done
    Configuring /etc/apache2/conf.d/simias.conf...Done
    Configuring User Movement plugin..
    Setting up Log4Net file...Done
    Setting up permissions...Done
  8. Correct the mod_mono path:
    sudo sed -i 's/apache2\/mod_mono.conf/apache2\/mods-enabled\/mod_mono.conf/g' /etc/apache2/conf.d/simias.conf
  9. Fix some permissions and paths:
    sudo mkdir -p /var/www/.config/.mono/
    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/.config/
  10. Restart apache and verify it is still restarting (it should 🙂 ):
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  11. Run the setups for ifolder (answers are default):
    sudo /usr/bin/ifolder-admin-setup
    sudo /usr/bin/ifolder-web-setup

    Put the following answers to apache:
    Apache User? [wwwrun]: www-data
    Apache Group? [www]: www-data
  12. Correct again mod_mono path:
    sudo sed -i 's/apache2\/mod_mono.conf/apache2\/mods-enabled\/mod_mono.conf/g' /etc/apache2/conf.d/ifolder_admin.conf
    sudo sed -i 's/apache2\/mod_mono.conf/apache2\/mods-enabled\/mod_mono.conf/g' /etc/apache2/conf.d/ifolder_web.conf
  13. Enable rewrite:
    sudo a2enmod rewrite
  14. Restart apache:
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  15. Go to https: , create a user, and enjoy !

Steps for 9.04 with rpms
Start in an empty folder, for example ~/ifolderinstall

  1. Download the different packages:
    wget http:
    wget http:
    wget http:
  2. Install alien and convert the packages:
    sudo apt-get install alien
    sudo alien --scripts *.rpm
  3. Install the packages:
    sudo dpkg -i ifolder3-enterprise_3.7.2.9089.1-1.2_i386.deb
    sudo dpkg -i ifolder-enterprise-plugins_3.7.2.9089.1-3_i386.deb
  4. Install the dependencies:
    sudo apt-get install mono-1.0-runtime mono-2.0-runtime mono-apache-server mono-apache-server2 libapache2-mod-mono libmono-system-web1.0-cil
  5. You must install a special version of log4net:
    sudo apt-get remove liblog4net1.2-cil
    sudo dpkg -i log4net_1.2.9-105_all.deb
  6. Restart apache and verify everything is still working (it should):
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  7. Run the Simias server setup:
    sudo /usr/bin/simias-server-setup
    enter these for answers (most are default, take care of apache user and group):

    This script configures a server installation of Simias to setup a new Simias system.
    ----- SERVER'S DATA PATH -----
    Path to the server's data files
    Server's Data Path? [/var/simias/data]:
    ----- SERVER NAME -----
    The name of this server
    Server Name? [Host1]: iFolder
    ----- SSL -----
    Select SSL/NONSSL communication for this server. Options
    are SSL, NONSSL or BOTH
    SSL? [SSL]:
    ----- PUBLIC URL -----
    Public URL of this Simias Server
    Public URL? [https:]: https:
    ----- PRIVATE URL -----
    Private URL of this Simias Server
    Private URL? [https:]:
    ----- SLAVE SERVER -----
    Install into existing Simias Domain
    Slave Server? [N]:
    ----- SYSTEM NAME -----
    A name used to identify the Simias system to users.
    System Name? [iFolder]:
    ----- SYSTEM DESCRIPTION -----
    A detailed description of the Simias system for users.
    System Description? [iFolder Enterprise System]:
    ----- USE KEY RECOVERY AGENT -----
    Use Key Recovery Agents to recovery the encryption
    key if the user forgets the pass-phrase used for encryption?
    Use Key Recovery Agent? [Y]:
    Path to the Recovery agent certificate's.
    Recovery Agent Certificate Path? [/var/simias/data]:
    ----- USE LDAP -----
    Use LDAP to provision and authenticate users?
    Use LDAP? [Y]: N
    ----- SYSTEM ADMIN -----
    The Simias default administrator. If the system is
    configured to use an external identity source, the
    distinguished name (dn) should be used.
    System Admin? [admin]:
    System Admin Password? [novell]:
    ----- CONFIGURE APACHE -----
    Configure Simias to run behind Apache
    Configure Apache? [N]: Y
    ----- APACHE USER -----
    Apache User
    Apache User? [wwwrun]: www-data
    ----- APACHE GROUP -----
    Apache Group
    Apache Group? [www]: www-data
    Configuring /var/simias/data/simias/Simias.config...SetupSimias - Done
    Configuring /etc/apache2/conf.d/simias.conf...Done
    Configuring User Movement plugin..
    Setting up Log4Net file...Done
    Setting up permissions...Done
  8. Correct the mod_mono path:
    sudo sed -i 's/apache2\/mod_mono.conf/apache2\/mods-enabled\/mod_mono.conf/g' /etc/apache2/conf.d/simias.conf
  9. Fix some paths:
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gmcs2 /usr/bin/gmcs
    sudo mkdir -p /var/www/.config/.mono/
    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/.config/
  10. Restart apache and verify it is still restarting (it should 🙂 ):
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  11. Run the setups for ifolder (answers are default):
    sudo /usr/bin/ifolder-admin-setup
    sudo /usr/bin/ifolder-web-setup

    Put the following answers to apache:
    Apache User? [wwwrun]: www-data
    Apache Group? [www]: www-data
  12. Correct again mod_mono path:
    sudo sed -i 's/apache2\/mod_mono.conf/apache2\/mods-enabled\/mod_mono.conf/g' /etc/apache2/conf.d/ifolder_admin.conf
    sudo sed -i 's/apache2\/mod_mono.conf/apache2\/mods-enabled\/mod_mono.conf/g' /etc/apache2/conf.d/ifolder_web.conf
  13. Enable rewrite:
    sudo a2enmod rewrite
  14. Restart apache:
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  15. Go to https: , create a user, and enjoy !

Here are some screenshots of the admin and web client:





The windows client

You can the install client to start creating ifolders of your own. You can download it on the official iFolder page. Once installed, the configuration steps are quite straight forward. Here are some screenshots:




From my initial use, everything is running sweet. One minor thing though: if you configure admin to not transfer big files (say more than 2 Gibis), the ifolder windows client will not stop from complaining that a policy prevents him from upload files. Also, it would be sweet if some folder could be easily removed from the sync process. However, this is still miles away from other setups. Everything works as it should. Plus, the web access is really a bonus.

The Ubuntu client

Thanks to the awesome work of Marcelo Boveto Shima, there is a ppa for installing ifolder client on Ubuntu. I tested it, and if there were some problems with the first version, I managed to get the latest one to work with my setup. Yeah ! Some screenshots:

iFolder Ubuntu client

So now, you can have a all in one sync solution that works… This rocks !

Update : I’ve had problem with running it in Ubuntu 9.10. On some computers, it works, but you have most problably to do this (thanks to MikeS):
In /usr/bin/ifolder,  change cd /usr to cd /usr/bin

Update : If you want it to work on your Ubuntu with an ecrypted folder. Short fix : run it from a non-encrypted folder. Long fix:

sudo mkdir /tmpsimias
sudo chown user1:user1 /tmpsimias
ln -s /tmpsimias ~/.local/share/simias

Run ifolder for the first time and exit.

rm ~/.local/share/simias
mv /tmpsimias ~/.local/share/simias

IFolder is happy after that. But you will also need to patch simias.

--- simias- 2010-07-06 12:10:06.000000000 +0200
+++ simias- 2010-07-06 12:11:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@
while(mntLine != null)
{ verify it's a device on this box
- if(mntLine.StartsWith("/dev") && (mntLine.IndexOf("iso9660") == -1))
+ if((mntLine.StartsWith("/dev") || mntLine.StartsWith("/home")) && (mntLine.IndexOf("iso9660") == -1))
Stat stat;
string[] entries;

This patch will allow you to select an encrypted home folder for sync.

151 commentaires

  1. I got the server working, but my client cannot connect. It appears as if it is not talking over HTTP (non-SSL). Any thoughts on this?

  2. If you are talking about the windows client, yes. The windows client requires SSL to connect (it puts https:// in front of your url). I did not succeeded in connecting in non SSL mode with windows client and has been forced to switch to SSL mode. This is maybe possible to get working with fiddling with configuration files, but I did not had any luck in it.

  3. Thank you so much, this is working now on my Mac and my PC. Did you have any luck with an ubuntu client?

  4. No, I did not succeeded with the Linux client. Tell me if you have any pointers on how to make it work.

  5. I did not found it or it was not available at the time I did the install. Also, the ppa is based on svn code, this install is based on latest stable rpm. But, I guess either works 🙂 This you try simias on the ppa ?

  6. It works!

    I literally followed your quide and got it working exept one point:

    Run the setups for ifolder (answers are default):
    sudo /usr/bin/ifolder-admin-setup
    sudo /usr/bin/ifolder-web-setup

    Apache User? [wwwrun]: www-data
    Apache Group? [www]: www-data

  7. I tried using the simias in the PPA on jaunty and I keep getting error 400 in the browser when trying to go to localhost/simias10… on freenode they believed that SVN required mono 2.4 instead of mono 2.0 in jaunty, so I tried again using karmic, however mod_mono wasn’t installable on there so I didn’t get very far. I’m gonna try to figure it out some more on jaunty, and if I can’t I guess I’ll resort to using alien as you did. On the client side the PPA worked perfectly, seems to launch, however I obviously don’t have a server to test it with yet

  8. Where did you get that log4net package from? (step 5)

    « 5.) You must install a special version of log4net:
    sudo apt-get remove liblog4net1.2-cil
    sudo dpkg -i log4net_1.2.9-105_all.deb …  »

    I tried Google but can’t find a « log4net_1.2.9-105_all.deb » package …. It would be helpful if you posted the URL where one can download that file from.


  9. Ahhh, I didn’t get that. Seems I am sloooooow today 🙂

    Thanks a lot 🙂

  10. Under step 9. Fix some paths, you wrote
    > sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gmcs2 /usr/bin/gmcs
    you didn’t mean it the other way around?, i.e
    > sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gmcs /usr/bin/gmcs2
    Since, the syntax is ln -s TARGET LINK_NAME, and I got the error
    ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/gmcs’: File exists

  11. I’m quite sure this was this way. However, I can be that in your setup this is the other way around. The aim of this command is to make sure that the gmcs exe is found. Please tell me if your way has worked;

  12. It’s essentially the same as you did, except the architecture is different and so the rpm’s. Also no version of log4net was already installed and gmcs2 wasn’t there, so I skipped those two steps.

  13. that’s great, thank you ! I’ll put the link on top so that people with debian can find it.

  14. I am struggling with windows vista client. Has anybody got it working?

    Possibly a problem with .net framework version. Seems I have ver 1. and 3. installed but vista doea not support ver 2.

    « Microsoft .NET Framework
    -versio:2.0.50727.3074; ASP.NET-versio:2.0.50727.3074 »

    Errors are here
    (this is a test environment and may be shut down any time.)

  15. I don’t have Vista, so I can’t test it. Please share with us your results if you get it working !

  16. thanks a lot for this tuto !

    I’ve got ifodler server up and running but I can’t connect through Mac OS X client, although the web access is fine.

    I guess I am going through SSL authentification prbs.
    (yes I activitated it in conf)

    Here is the mac os x console error :
    31/07/09 12:10:47 iFolder 3[1353] *** -[NSConditionLock
    unlockWithCondition:]: lock ( ‘(null)’)
    unlocked when not locked
    31/07/09 12:10:47 iFolder 3[1353] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    31/07/09 12:10:47 iFolder 3[1353] *** -[NSConditionLock
    unlockWithCondition:]: lock ( ‘(null)’)
    unlocked when not locked
    31/07/09 12:10:47 iFolder 3[1353] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
    31/07/09 12:10:47 iFolder 3[1353] iFolder setup without a https proxy
    31/07/09 12:10:47 iFolder 3[1353] iFolder setup without a http proxy
    31/07/09 12:10:47 iFolder 3[1353] Exception in ConnectToDomain: HTTP
    Error 401 HTTP error in SimiasService.ConnectToDomain

    I tried almost all possible server name IP or domain http, https or no protocol…

    any ideas ?

    thanks in advance


  17. Hi Paul, error 401 seems to mean that you are unable to log in.
    What does happen when you browse:
    It should bring you a login window, and, after login, a 404 error (that is normal).
    If it works, type the same address without simias10 in your client. Also, maybe on OSX you can fiddle with configuration files more easily and see what is stored for the domain name.

  18. I can indeed connect to https://bender/simias10/ and see the beautiful 404 error.
    (bender is a local domain)
    I can even login to https://bender/ifolder with my browser.

    Mmm I’ve just tested in windows context and same problems, not working at all..

    I guess something is wrong in my server installation or configuration.
    Well I have no more time to play with it but I’ll definitely going to ask my admins to do so 😉 Above all since I saw that some ifolder server Xen virtual machine were available on the net. It’ll be better than my testing desktop-server full of mess (plone,django,grok…).

    I keep your tuto in bookmarks and will give you some news if I succeed one day..


    ps :
    See errors in my mac os x console :
    31/07/09 15:01:57 iFolder 3[2097] iFolder encountered an exception
    while clearing the https proxy
    31/07/09 15:01:57 iFolder 3[2097] Exception in setupSmiasProxies: TCP
    Error -1 TCP error in SimiasService.SetProxyAddress
    31/07/09 15:01:57 iFolder 3[2097] iFolder encountered an exception
    while clearing the http proxy
    31/07/09 15:01:57 iFolder 3[2097] Exception in setupSmiasProxies: TCP
    Error -1 TCP error in SimiasService.SetProxyAddress
    31/07/09 15:01:57 iFolder 3[2097] Exception in ConnectToDomain: TCP
    Error -1 TCP error in SimiasService.ConnectToDomain
    31/07/09 15:01:57 iFolder 3[2097] Exception refreshing iFolderData
    31/07/09 15:01:57 iFolder 3[2097] Exception refreshing iFolderData
    31/07/09 15:01:57 iFolder 3[2097] Exception in iFolderData:refres: TCP
    Error -1 TCP error in SimiasService.GetDomains


  19. I installed iFolder on Ubuntu server 9.04 with no problems. It works great, however after large syncs or about 4 hours the memory on my server is full. They are all mono and apache processes. If I stop apache, the process just stay there. If I kill them they go away but my memory usage is still pegged. I have to restart the server to clear out the memory. I am running on VMware ESXi 3.5 U4 latest firmware. The server is a minimal virtual machine install with 1 vCPU@3Ghz and 1GB of RAM. I even upped it to 2 vCPUs and 2 GB of memory and it still crashes because the memory fills up. Has anyone else had this problem?

  20. Hello,

    Thanks very much for this great tutorial. I’ve installed it on my headless Ubuntu (Jaunty) Server and it works like a charm when connecting through my browser. I’m having trouble with the client though.
    – Could you please post your instructions on how you installed the client on Linux?
    – Have you or anyone else used dyndns to help connect the client to the server? I’ve got the client running on windows XP and it cannot see my server when I use my dyndns account name. I’ve setup my firewall rule successfully to connect to port 443 on my ifolder server (I can use my dyndns account name in my browser without issue).

    Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

  21. I installed the client on Linux with the ppa’s.
    I did not try with dyndns, but if you see it in your browser, it should work in the client. Did you setup ssh ?

  22. I am having problems changing the Admin password after getting it working. I run the setup script again, change the password, see the changes in the .conf file but it refuses to take. It only logs in with the default password.
    I want to deploy this in a working setup so default password is really bad, it was nice for the setup but now I need to find a way to kill it. And I cant even remove it it seems.

  23. Thanks for the nice tuto.
    Anyone has been able to get iFolder working with Active Directory on Ubuntu 9.04? I get the error below when I run the simias-server-setup script.


    Configuring /var/simias/data/simias/Simias.config…SetupSimias – Done
    Configuring /etc/apache2/conf.d/simias.conf…Done

    ** (/usr/bin/SimiasServerSetup.exe:17732): WARNING **: The following assembly referenced from /usr/bin/SimiasServerSetup.exe could not be loaded:
    Assembly: Novell.Directory.Ldap (assemblyref_index=8)
    Version: 1.0.5000.0
    Public Key: 0738eb9f132ed756
    The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing assembly (/usr/bin).

    ** (/usr/bin/SimiasServerSetup.exe:17732): WARNING **: Could not load file or assembly ‘Novell.Directory.Ldap, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756’ or one of its dependencies.

    System.TypeLoadException: A type load exception has occurred.
    at Novell.iFolder.SimiasServerSetup.Configure () [0x00000]
    at Novell.iFolder.SimiasServerSetup.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
    at Novell.iFolder.SimiasServerSetup.Configure () [0x00000]
    at Novell.iFolder.SimiasServerSetup.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]


  24. Zorg, I think your problem is that you are missing a dependency on Novell Ldap Mono component. Make sure you have the right component and the right version installed on your system.

  25. x2b4 :
    Zorg, I think your problem is that you are missing a dependency on Novell Ldap Mono component. Make sure you have the right component and the right version installed on your system.

    Thanks x2b4.
    I realized there were some dependencies but I haven’t been able to find the package(s) to install. If someone has a vague idea, it would be greatly appreciated.
    I’m a perfect newbie with ifolder, Mono and many other things 😉

  26. Hello everyone,

    I got iFolder to run on a VMWare server, with the OpenSuse appliance. Works great from Windows, but I can’t get the client to install on Ubuntu Karmic with the PPA.

    The package ifolder3 can’t be installed due to dependency conflicts.

    Anyone has managed to get it going?

  27. Hi Urko, I did not try to install it on Karmic. Maybe you could try to ask the ppa maintainer to update the packages for karmic.
    If you managed to get it working, please tell us.

  28. Zorg, were you able to solve your problem connecting to AD? If so, what packages did you install? I found the same issue posted to the forums but no good answers.

  29. Zorg, what version of mono did you install on your ifolder server? I installed mono-2.4.tar.bz2 from

    The only reason was that I was able to find install instructions for this version and not for 1.2.6 as described on the forums. Just wondering if this is a common link to our issue.

  30. I am getting the error below when accessing the admin page on

    Since, I’m trying this on karmic ubuntu there might be a version problem for mono. Don’t know how to tell. I got an error about mono-1.0-runtime and mono-2.0-runtime release candidates not found. However, the rest installed fine. (I have package mono-runtime installed which apparently conflicts with mono-1.0-runtime and mono-2.0-runtime)

    Server Error in ‘/admin’ Application
    A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detected from the client (ex= »System.Web.Comp… »).

    Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request.

    Stack Trace:

    System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detected from the client (ex= »System.Web.Comp… »).
    at System.Web.HttpRequest.ThrowValidationException (System.String name, System.String key, System.String value) [0x00000]
    at System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateNameValueCollection (System.String name, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection coll) [0x00000]
    at System.Web.HttpRequest.get_QueryString () [0x00000]
    at Novell.iFolderWeb.Admin.Error.Page_PreRender (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x00000]
    at System.Web.UI.Control.OnPreRender (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000]
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal () [0x00000]
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessLoadComplete () [0x00000]
    at System.Web.UI.Page.InternalProcessRequest () [0x00000]
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext context) [0x00000]

    Version information: Mono Version: 2.0.50727.1433; ASP.NET Version: 2.0.50727.1433

  31. I get the same error as stefan. (A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detected from the client…). Also on Karmic. Any suggestions? I would love to try out iFolder for sync’ing my various PCs.

  32. I’m trying to compile ifolder3.8 on karmic.
    But I’ve got strange errors…
    Stay tuned for updates.

  33. Great! I for one am very interested in a HOWTO involving iFolder 3.8 on Karmic. Thanks for your great work!

  34. Hi, on Ubuntu 9.10 the step « sudo alien –scripts *.rpm » fails with an error: « warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    error: incorrect format: unknown tag
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    Warnung: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA-Signatur: NOKEY, Schlüssel-ID 3a9159a7
    warning: ifolder3-enterprise- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 3a9159a7
    Unpacking of ‘ifolder3-enterprise-’ failed at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package/ line 155 »

  35. @x2b4
    i’m also trying to install 3.8 on Ubuntu 9.10. Did you manage it somehow?

  36. @Nils Jansen
    I’ve got to compile and run, but there is a 500 fatal error after that, and I did not find (yet) the solution.
    The compilation is pretty straightforward once you know what to change 😉

  37. @x2b4 please please tell me your secret how « alien –scripts *.rpm » doesnt fail

  38. @Nils Jansen
    Sorry I was not clear. It does fail. I’m compiling from source.
    I could give you the instructions by email if you need it, but the last bits are not working 🙁 .

  39. @x2b4 ok, if you find a way from the source or with the packages nilsjansen via gmail will be very thankful. i will post any progress on this here.

  40. Thanks!
    I tried this on ubuntu 9.04 and it worked!

    But I had to change a file call hosts on the windows clients otherwise they would not connect.

    I did this:
    added ubuntutest
    to /windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
    (or could be /winnt/system32/drivers/etc/hosts)

    and then in the client (3.8) I used
    https://ubuntutest as the url for the server

    Maybe this helps.

    I tried to install the ifolder client for ubuntu 9.10 from
    but when I start up ifolder it gives this error:

    Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
    a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
    used by your application.

    Error: The Simias process failed to initialize.
    Use the command line switch –showconsole to view the error.

    Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    at Novell.iFolder.iFolderApplication.StartiFolder () [0x00000]

    Anybody a clue what I can do now?

  41. @Nils Jansen
    I’ve updated the guide with source instructions for 3.8 on 9.10.
    I did not yet tried the client, i’ll do it pretty soon and report here my results.

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